One single decision.
There was one business decision I made that literally changed everything.
I was travelling in Japan for the first time.
I hated the high prices there and I asked myself: How can I stop trading time for money?
At the time, I was based in Bali, Indonesia and was teaching English online.
I couldn’t really call it a business - rather a modest source of income.
But since I had done it for a while, I had a small following in my niche market.
I remember sitting at my notebook, staring at the question: How can I stop trading time for money?
(And be able to afford all the adventures that Japan has to offer).
And then, without much thinking, I wrote:
1. A membership site.
2. Multiple teachers.
3. Community.
I decided to get this done by the time I had left Osaka to head back for Bali (I had about a week).
1. I threw a quick landing page together.
2. Set up a payment system.
3. And emailed my small database.
What kind of child were you?
What and whom did you love?
What hurt you the most?
What brought you joy?
What did you want to do and be when you grew up?
Travel to your childhood.
Meet yourself as a child.
You might be surprised to find that the very history of you as a child conceals a lot of the answers to the questions you have now.
Most anxieties will be unlocked by travelling back.
Depressions will fade when you meet yourself, truly.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean quitting the safety of your adult armour.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean opening up your heart so fully that it might actually hurt.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean assessing whether you are living up to your fullest potential or just wasting your days.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean forgiving your father, forgiving your mother, forgiving yourself.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean healing and maturing into a complete version of yourself.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean an end...
Your own death. The end. Inexistence.
I do. Daily.
I am so aware of every day bringing me forward to the inevitable vanishing, that every day becomes a celebration.
Even if I am hurting or I am hurt or I have hurt; I know that the clock is ticking
Not in my favour.
And then, I know that to speak my truth is more important than to please; that to love my parents is more important than recall the past hurts; that there is no time to do what dulls my soul; that there is no time to lie to myself; the only option is to live out the given moment to its fullest.
My death scares me as much as it helps me.
Pain melts in its presence.
Daily anxieties and complaints pale in its mighty shadow.
And only in the antithesis of life does life thrive.
There is no fixed point in the future to arrive at.
You won’t be happier if you find a partner, get a promotion, go travelling, achieve this or that.
To say that you will be happier in the future is the same as to say there is not...
When someone gives me a hard time - be it a colleague, an employee, a partner, a friend or a stranger, before reacting, I ask myself one question: ‘Is it any of my business?’
I usually don’t react.
What that question does is show you whether this person’s problem or drama has got anything to do with you.
95% of the time it has nothing to do with you and it is just them having a bad day or, if it is a closer relationship, it is often the other party living out their childhood and past traumas.
It’s very rare that it is really about you.
And, if it is, then you take appropriate action. Having paused and assessed how much of your business it is.
But, when it isn’t about you, and you consciously realise this, you are able to step away from it and have some distance.
A reaction vacuum.
The only way to get to bed calm is to not engage with the other people’s drama, and then, of course, your own.
Everyone wants to buy things: an iPhone, a car, a house, a something.
People, who are mastering their life and can buy an iPhone, a car, a house and a something, don’t prioritise buying any of these things.
Their priority is to buy more time.
How do you buy more time?
In business, it’s straightforward: it usually means hiring and delegating (or automating - but this isn’t a post about business, so I’m not going to go into detail).
A year ago I bought more time by hiring a virtual assistant to help me out with a number of ventures.
I bought at least 60 hours’ worth of time and it made my life much easier.
But: how do you buy more time in your personal life?
For some, it could be a case of hiring a cleaner, so they can spend more time with their children.
For example, I never cook. I choose to outsource my cooking by going out. I’m not lazy, I just know how to put those two or three hours to use in a way that means either I enjoy...
There are two types of time.
When you understand them both, you can choose HOW you experience life and even WHAT you experience.
I didn’t come up with the concept - the Greeks did.
However, understanding it, literally changed the way I live and see my life.
Watch here.
In real time.
Chronological time.
Make it magical.
I’m explaining how.
I’m explaining how from a boat on a Lithuanian lake.
Watch more videos:
50% Complete
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