What if you could turn your words into a cash flow?
What if you could turn your words into a cash flow?

Las Vegas. Beirut. Vilnius. The Austrian Alps. Perth. London.
6 Entrepreneurs.

🤦 Some of these entrepreneurs thought they didn't have a story whilst others just didn't know how to distil it and turn it into an ad campaign, a product or investors' pitch.
However, by the end of the 12-week process at the BrandStory Bootcamp, they have learnt how to turn their STORY into an ASSET.

The first cohort of the BrandStory Bootcamp is graduating!

Meet the 6 graduates:
1. Lidija, based in Lebanon, is an investigative journalist, whose goal was to create a compelling brand as a copywriter and content strategist.
2. Lorna, a Perth-based scientist-turned-web-designer, is in the process of setting up her web design agency and was needing direction on how to bring it all together.
3. Nives, a successful multiple beauty salon owner from London, joined wanting to develop a meaningful personal brand outside of her company.
4. Matas, a Vilnius-based entrepreneur, came seeking to upgrade his storytelling skills to scale his already successful e-commerce company and also, to start a personal brand.
5. Brett, a Las Vegas-based consultant for corporates and startups, felt he was a little too rigid when doing his mentoring and wanted to include elements of his personal story in his work.
6. Michelle, having recently relocated from South Africa to the Austrian Alps, started up a hotel and has been working on her brand as a coach - she needed to turn her adventurous life story into an asset.
These entrepreneurs have worked through multiple frameworks, group mentoring and 1-2-1 sessions, to arrive at the point where they have put together their...
...BrandStory Slide Deck.

It’s a master document.
It’s a Brand Story Bible.
It’s a GPS for themselves and their teams.

With everything in the Deck (from their origin and customer stories to their well-defined products and services, from timelines needed to execute story-fueled campaigns to detailed plans for their website makeovers), it is now their launchpad to either start or scale their businesses.
Want to join the next cohort of the BrandStory Bootcamp?
There are only 6 places and this is the only intake for the next 6 months!
Click the link and book in a BrandDissect session with me to see if we want to spend 12 weeks working together: