What kind of child were you?
What and whom did you love?
What hurt you the most?
What brought you joy?
What did you want to do and be when you grew up?
Travel to your childhood.
Meet yourself as a child.
You might be surprised to find that the very history of you as a child conceals a lot of the answers to the questions you have now.
Most anxieties will be unlocked by travelling back.
Depressions will fade when you meet yourself, truly.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean quitting the safety of your adult armour.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean opening up your heart so fully that it might actually hurt.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean assessing whether you are living up to your fullest potential or just wasting your days.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean forgiving your father, forgiving your mother, forgiving yourself.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean healing and maturing into a complete version of yourself.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean an end to living as a hurt adult-child and becoming the very man or woman that you are meant to be.
Meeting yourself as a child will mean allowing the past to overcome you so strongly that it will fade immediately in the presence of this present moment.
And remember, this is a task for the courageous as children are nothing if not courageous…
50% Complete
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