See your life as a script that you are writing and creating every day.
In film, most scripts fail because of two reasons:
1. The protagonist isn’t active.
That is, if the protagonist isn’t pursuing a clear goal and his story doesn’t have a linear overall arc.
2. The protagonist doesn’t change.
That is, if the protagonist remains the same throughout the film and, at the end of the film, he is left unchanged.
Life’s script doesn’t fail when you have many failures or setbacks along the way, pursuing your life’s goal - in fact, it’s often the opposite.
It starts failing when there’s a lack of mission, purpose or a greater goal in your story, which usually translates as the driving force that moves your life forward.
It also fails, however, if you go through life with little changing in you or your environment, in your worldview or your thinking.
There are many variables, of course, but at the core lie the following questions:...
I fly a lot.
Almost every month.
But there’s a problem.
I became ‘a nervous flyer’.
I freak out when turbulence strikes.
In fact, while writing these words, I am on the plane going from Bali to Doha.
I have ordered my third whisky to tame my nerves.
I have done a bunch of meditations and visualisations already.
I have ended up listening to yoga as my last resort of peace.
(Seriously? … I know right)
In the past year, flying has become a contemplation of life… and well… death…
Besides giving mecramps in my stomach, trembling hands and a pumping heart, these moments of turbulence really get me thinking about the way I lead my life:
Am I living it to the fullest?
Whom do I love the most?
Have I wasted much time on meaningless activities?
Have I come to express my talents and skills to their maximum potential?
Have I allowed myself to LIVE: be crazy, love, work, create, travel…?
Have I allowed myself to...
Many travel to see sights, enjoy a cocktail in the pool of a fancy hotel and, in general, get a dose of excitement.
What if you looked at travelling as a way of expanding your mind and thinking, a tool to help you become aware of your system of beliefs, your judgments and your ideas, and to call these all into question?
Doubt them.
Investigate them.
Even revise them.
The way you connect your thoughts and points of reference determines how you see the world.
The variables that you take into account are usually influenced by your environment(s).
When you are in the process of making a decision, you call a number of variables into your mind and choose between them.
What travelling - if done consciously - can do, is give you a new set of variables that you wouldn’t have otherwise come across.
What writing - if used as a tool - can do, is simply bring forth the variables you have been toying with your whole life (so you see them more clearly) and start paving the way for new...
Whatever you do, do it with excellence.
Perfection is for amateurs.
Excellence is for masters.
You only master something by learning when to take action and then to allow it.
Mastery never reeks of struggle.
That’s perfection.
Mastery is a gently controlled flow of particular area in life, which is tamed with joy.
You can pick whether to be a perfectionist or master.
You can learn more about the difference between the two here.
Whether it is your business or life, don’t make it about you.
Make it about your client.
Make it about your partner.
Make it about the other.
Make it about the cause.
Make it about the ideas.
Make it about the change.
Don’t make it about you.
In celebrity-overrun , individualism-powered culture, we celebrate ‘making it about me’.
True flow comes from making it about the other.
My flow stops once I make it about ‘me’.
Ego loves making it about ‘me’.
Ego hates making it about others.
But ego will always remain dissatisfied, it never has enough of ‘me’.
Making it about others is the best way to move past your ego and into your flow.
I like selling.
I have a couple of businesses where I have to sell. If I don’t sell, I don’t have a job, and a few people that are helping me out don’t either.
I love selling.
But I have some rules about selling.
First: I sell what I believe in.
Second: it’s not about the money.
It really isn’t. If I make it about the money, there’s no money.
It’s a game.
It’s like playing chess. There are many strategies for winning and you have always to be aware of the partner you’re playing against.
I thrive when I sell and I revise my strategy when I don’t. Money in the bank is a score. It’s nice because it buys airline tickets and lets you fly to see friends - but that’s pretty much it.
Selling is about connection. Selling is about growth. Selling is about understanding - in conversation - whether this person needs what you are selling.
And if he doesn’t? Well, why would you push it?
For decades, the...
A good life is a fine balance between deliberate precision and organic flow.
Deliberate precision is your intention; the direction you want to go in; the focus that you think you should have.
Organic flow is your ability to stay in tune with natural laws of the universe and observe the signs. Instead of being tunnel visioned - only having an intention or direction - you are still in sync with the flow of life. Seeing where it is naturally taking you and how it is revealing itself to you is the way you stay in flow.
Often people come up with a goal - and most goals derive from ego - and get stuck on it as a needle on a record. And then they achieve it. And often they find themselves disappointed, as what they had aimed for isn’t fulfilling them. Why is that?
They simple acted with deliberate precision but forgot to stay in tune with organic flow. They ignored the signs and life’s whispers of what’s good for them and in what direction they ought to go.
Life is...
I spent the past three months in Europe.
When I tell people that I live in Bali, many find it impressive and say something along the lines of: ‘If only I could… but…’
Their ‘but’ is most often to do with money.
95% of people I meet want to travel and express a wish to work remotely but see no way of doing so.
But I’d say that it is only actually an unattainable dream for 10% of those people, due to their type of profession or personal circumstances.
For the remaining 90%, it’s just a matter of taking the right steps and cultivating the right mindset.
It’s never about the money and always about the mindset.
But most of the 90% don’t want to listen about mindset. It sounds too ‘woo-woo, insubstantial, and vague’. They want to talk money.
‘Okay, let’s talk money,’I challenged a friend who was complaining that he couldn’t get out of his job and start travelling. ‘How much do you...
We expect people to treat us with kindness, love and respect. But the truth is that some simply don’t. They just don’t. There are moments in life when we are shocked to discover that our life partner, work colleague or a friend can be not only unkind to us but also mean, emotionally violent and even toxic. How about that?
What happens then to our faith in love, morality and kindness?
We feel betrayed. It’s unfair. They shouldn’t have said that. They shouldn’t have done that.
No, probably they shouldn’t have.
But the question and greatest test for you is to figure out how you respond to that. What are you like in the face of adversity, dishonesty and violence? Do you also compromise your humanity and values by responding to it aggressively - with anger, fear and the desire to harm and hurt?
No, I am not talking about the whole idea ‘turn the other cheek’ here.
I loved what Michelle Obama said in relationship to Trump’s...
I believe that life is a mythical story. It isn’t, of course, if you spend your time watching TV and eating potato chips.
But as soon as you ask yourself the question why am I here?, something changes. Your mythical journey begins. Whether you want it to or not.
Our society has many myths ready for us to subscribe to:
MYTH 1: Climb the career ladder, achieve, be respected, be powerful, pile up lots of money in your bank account and you’ll be… a success.
MYTH 2: Love, really love, hold hands, kiss in the rain, exchange rings, cradle your baby, see her grow and you’ll be… a success.
MYTH 3: Strive for flashing lights, see your face on magazine covers, be known, where is your fur or diamond ring, rise higher, almost to become a demigod, and you’ll be… a success.
MYTH 4: Combine the three above and you’ll be… a success.
MYTH 5: .?.
There are many more narratives. What’s your myth? What story are you living out?...
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