I like selling.
I have a couple of businesses where I have to sell. If I don’t sell, I don’t have a job, and a few people that are helping me out don’t either.
I love selling.
But I have some rules about selling.
First: I sell what I believe in.
Second: it’s not about the money.
It really isn’t. If I make it about the money, there’s no money.
It’s a game.
It’s like playing chess. There are many strategies for winning and you have always to be aware of the partner you’re playing against.
I thrive when I sell and I revise my strategy when I don’t. Money in the bank is a score. It’s nice because it buys airline tickets and lets you fly to see friends - but that’s pretty much it.
Selling is about connection. Selling is about growth. Selling is about understanding - in conversation - whether this person needs what you are selling.
And if he doesn’t? Well, why would you push it?
For decades, the traditional advertising industry was based on getting us to buy things we don’t need. It’s ridiculous.
Never sell a person what they don’t need. They’ll hate you or your product afterwards.
In fact, don’t sell a product.
Sell your philosophy, ideas and inspiration - a product is only a representation of these.
And when I package them, I know selling is good.
A lot of people think selling is sinful.
It’s not. If you do it right. If you do it from your heart. If you sell meaning instead of product, then selling is good.
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