A good life is a fine balance between deliberate precision and organic flow.
Deliberate precision is your intention; the direction you want to go in; the focus that you think you should have.
Organic flow is your ability to stay in tune with natural laws of the universe and observe the signs. Instead of being tunnel visioned - only having an intention or direction - you are still in sync with the flow of life. Seeing where it is naturally taking you and how it is revealing itself to you is the way you stay in flow.
Often people come up with a goal - and most goals derive from ego - and get stuck on it as a needle on a record. And then they achieve it. And often they find themselves disappointed, as what they had aimed for isn’t fulfilling them. Why is that?
They simple acted with deliberate precision but forgot to stay in tune with organic flow. They ignored the signs and life’s whispers of what’s good for them and in what direction they ought to go.
Life is very much like a jazz improvisation: you must learn the rules to play it, and then, you have to forget most of them in order to improvise.
Precision is rules.
Flow is improvisation.
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