How can you create flow in building a global enterprise?
After starting up and building two businesses of my own, I began to realise this.
Flow in building your enterprise is the path of least resistance and most creativity. It's the way to do something with a sense of ease, allowance, natural skill and joy. By allowing for a natural flow, you and your team are being who they are best.
I like selling.
I have a couple of businesses where I have to sell. If I don’t sell, I don’t have a job, and a few people that are helping me out don’t either.
I love selling.
But I have some rules about selling.
First: I sell what I believe in.
Second: it’s not about the money.
It really isn’t. If I make it about the money, there’s no money.
It’s a game.
It’s like playing chess. There are many strategies for winning and you have always to be aware of the partner you’re playing against.
I thrive when I sell and I revise my strategy when I don’t. Money in the bank is a score. It’s nice because it buys airline tickets and lets you fly to see friends - but that’s pretty much it.
Selling is about connection. Selling is about growth. Selling is about understanding - in conversation - whether this person needs what you are selling.
And if he doesn’t? Well, why would you push it?
For decades, the...
I spent the past three months in Europe.
When I tell people that I live in Bali, many find it impressive and say something along the lines of: ‘If only I could… but…’
Their ‘but’ is most often to do with money.
95% of people I meet want to travel and express a wish to work remotely but see no way of doing so.
But I’d say that it is only actually an unattainable dream for 10% of those people, due to their type of profession or personal circumstances.
For the remaining 90%, it’s just a matter of taking the right steps and cultivating the right mindset.
It’s never about the money and always about the mindset.
But most of the 90% don’t want to listen about mindset. It sounds too ‘woo-woo, insubstantial, and vague’. They want to talk money.
‘Okay, let’s talk money,’I challenged a friend who was complaining that he couldn’t get out of his job and start travelling. ‘How much do you...
Everyone is a brand nowadays. We are getting personal, we are getting intimate, we are sharing who we really are.
The creation of a personal brand is a necessity, whether you are knitting sweaters or producing solar energy panels.
How can you start creating your personal brand?
First, choose truth, your truth, instead of illusion.
What do I mean?
I am convinced that to build something truly authentic in business, you have to know how to be truly authentic in your personal life.
Business is changing. Corporations are dull. We care about your story. Your struggles. Your lessons. Your values.
You have to be honest enough with yourself to start with and you have to understand what you stand for in your own life, and then let that transpire in your brand and what you choose to do with it.
In this day and age - however uncertain it may be economically and politically - we have the privilege of being able to combine money flow with purpose - the two don’t have to...
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