

Move away from trading time for money.

One single decision.

There was one business decision I made that literally changed everything. 🙌

I was travelling in Japan for the first time. 

I hated the high prices there and I asked myself: How can I stop trading time for money? 

At the time, I was based in Bali, Indonesia and was teaching English online. 

I couldn’t really call it a business - rather a modest source of income. 

But since I had done it for a while, I had a small following in my niche market. 


I remember sitting at my notebook, staring at the question: How can I stop trading time for money?

(And be able to afford all the adventures that Japan has to offer).


✍️ And then, without much thinking, I wrote:

1. A membership site.

2. Multiple teachers.

3. Community.


I decided to get this done by the time I had left Osaka to head back for Bali (I had about a week).

1. I threw a quick landing page together.

2. Set up a payment system.

3. And emailed my small database.


20 people signed up immediate...

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How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?

How do you learn on a day-to-day basis? Is it an accidental or deliberate process?
On Sunday I sent out an email to my list, where I share how to build a Personal Growth Curriculum (PGC).
➡️ It is a FREE 15-minute mini-course to help you shape your own learning on a daily basis and achieve extraordinary things. (Whether it’s a life in a paradise island, thriving enterprise or better relationship.)
In the PGC, I break down my own learning process, which includes the list of my mentors, books and most unusual disciplines I study, as well as offer journaling frameworks for you to build your own. ✍️
(And yes, it's free and it comes in the shape of an article).
(And yes, I like to post vibrant photos of myself but in truth, I'm a closeted geek - hence, this PGC mini-course.)
If you want me to send it over to you, just sign up here and my awesome team will do it ASAP: 
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What if you could turn your words into a cash flow?

What if you could turn your words into a cash flow? 🌊 💰
Las Vegas. Beirut. Vilnius. The Austrian Alps. Perth. London.
6 Entrepreneurs. 🌏

🤦‍ Some of these entrepreneurs thought they didn't have a story whilst others just didn't know how to distil it and turn it into an ad campaign, a product or investors' pitch.
However, by the end of the 12-week process at the BrandStory Bootcamp, they have learnt how to turn their STORY into an ASSET. đź’«
The first cohort of the BrandStory Bootcamp is graduating!
🎓 Meet the 6 graduates:
✍️ 1. Lidija, based in Lebanon, is an investigative journalist, whose goal was to create a compelling brand as a copywriter and content strategist.
✍️ 2. Lorna, a Perth-based scientist-turned-web-designer, is in the process of setting up her web design agency and was needing direction on how to bring it all together.
✍️ 3. Nives, a successful multiple beauty salon owner from London, joined wanting to develop a meaningful
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Move towards your sense of flow.

How can you create flow in building a global enterprise?

After starting up and building two businesses of my own, I began to realise this.

Flow in building your enterprise is the path of least resistance and most creativity. It's the way to do something with a sense of ease, allowance, natural skill and joy. By allowing for a natural flow, you and your team are being who they are best. 🙌

One key principle I follow in creating that sense of flow is to Combine Disciplines. Whilst starting up the School of Growth Writing, this allowed me to combine my unique set of disciplines that made my brand stand out. 
Here are some of the disciplines I chose, which made me move towards my sense of flow:
- Language Teaching
- Entrepreneurship 
- Theatre 
- Writing Therapy 
- Samurai/Eastern Philosophies 
Why is this so important? 
✅ You will combine a different set of disciplines that make you stand out
✅ You will define and tap into specific niches
✅ You will attract clients th...
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How can you build a freedom lifestyle?


For most of us, building a freedom lifestyle sounds like a remote dream. How can you build a viable business, whilst simultaneously funding and supporting it in your desired way?

I sat down with Kyron Gosse, a change-maker, futurist, entrepreneur and founder of FreedomCo. He experiments with emerging technologies and trends to reduce and ultimately remove the cost of living through his company.

He also shared his experiences on:

  • How he built a freedom lifestyle for himself through his companies
  • How his mission to help people create freedom through property was born
  • How he ventured into New Zealand's tiny homes movement 


More about Kyron:

Kyron’s mission is to help people create freedom through property, so that they can spend less time working to pay the bills and more time following their passions, pursuing their purpose and doing more of what they love. He believes that one day, everyone on the planet can stop working to make a living. Instead, he dreams that we can sta...

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Write to break the mirror.


What if you could break the mirror through writing, and take charge of your mind? 🔥 🙌

The Growth Journal Membership is still on, and it's still not too late to join as a founding member!

During our first workshop, we explored unique journaling techniques and frameworks, and:

  • Learnt the Growth Journal foundations
  • Mastered techniques to zone out the noise and hear yourself
  • Used the samurai principle of Inner Axis to take charge of your life
  • Started consciously shaping both your present and future


We are still in the second stage of its pre-launch, where you can get your annual/monthly memberships at 20% OFF if you join by 25th September.

You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 of our first workshop immediately after joining - or even the session in its entirety đź’Ą

Are you joining? 🙋

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How can you make a good speech?


What constitutes a good speech? How can you craft a good speech that connects well with your audience?

I met up with our youngest entrepreneur on-board, Dali Schonfelder, founder of Nalu clothing line, which provides school uniforms for underprivileged children with the sale of products.

Dali shares with us how, at just 13 years old, she started up her brand and began preparing for speaking engagements at TED and UN. 

She also shared with us her experiences on:

  • How to grow your brand through speaking and being authentically yourself
  • How to balance between commerce and giving
  • How to create a brand that inspires, transforms and sells


More about Dali:

She attended Parsons School of Design in NYC, studying fashion design while growing her brand in the New York market. She has also launched the Nalu Academy, an online school teaching and empowering youths through social entrepreneurship.


Tune in to my interview with Dali Schonfelder, and watch the full conversation in our...

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Why should you develop a journaling habit?


What is the significance and purpose of keeping a journal? What goals do they accomplish?

I met up with Dr Lance Alan Box, completer of 115 journals in 40 years, as he looks back on what he has achieved through day-to-day journaling. He also shares with us various tips and techniques that could help you to: 

  • Track your growth through journaling
  • Develop the journaling habit
  • Practice the Two Journal and Scribbles Sheet method


More about Dr Lance:

He lives in Darwin, Australia and his purpose is Quality Education. He is in pursuit of the mission to see Fingerprint-Individualized Learning Portals become the new norm in the education space.


Tune in to my interview with Dr Lance Alan Box, and watch the full conversation in our Growth Writing Facebook page here!


Also, the Growth Journal Membership's first LIVE workshop commences 3rd September!

Click on this link for more information. You can also follow @growth_journal_mont...

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How to tell stories that are relevant?


As storytellers, entrepreneurs or artists, we often find ourselves looking for stories that connect best with our audience. 

I met up with Sofie Marin, the founder of a London-based production company, From Sweden Productions, as we sat down for a conversation about storytelling in such traditional mediums as theatre, dance and opera.

She also shares tips that could help you find out more about:

  • Relevant stories to tell in your business or creative projects
  • The entrepreneurial mindset in the arts 
  • The prevailing paradigm of a 'starving and suffering artist'

More About Sofie

  • She specialises in digital marketing, business development and entrepreneurial growth to help creatives stand out, scale up and make a difference.
  • Sofie is also the chair of ballet company Stockholm 59° North, LunchIn AB and founder of Arts Dynamics Entrepreneur Mastermind.
  • She has also worked as the Administrative Director for the Opera Chorus at the Royal Swedish Opera and a producer at the Royal...
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What’s your reality?

You construct your reality out of your understandings, convictions, and hopes of what reality is. So, if you were to revise your understandings, convictions, and hopes, your reality (or perception of it) would change.

But most of us don’t revise them voluntarily; more often than not, we are forced to do so through facing the loss of a loved one, illness or any other form of adversity.

Emotional suffering is what usually encourages us to revise our perceptions of reality.

And this is essentially why personal/spiritual/emotional growth is changing the way you see and understand the world around you, your identity, and how you relate to others.

Recently, I opened Peter Diamandis email with top predictions of what our reality is going to be in 2045. It immediately challenged me to revise my reality.  

  •    Late 2010s: Glasses will beam images directly onto the retina. 10 terabytes of computing power (roughly the same as the brain) will cost about $1,000.

  •    2020s: Most diseases ...
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