You construct your reality out of your understandings, convictions, and hopes of what reality is. So, if you were to revise your understandings, convictions, and hopes, your reality (or perception of it) would change.
But most of us don’t revise them voluntarily; more often than not, we are forced to do so through facing the loss of a loved one, illness or any other form of adversity.
Emotional suffering is what usually encourages us to revise our perceptions of reality.
And this is essentially why personal/spiritual/emotional growth is changing the way you see and understand the world around you, your identity, and how you relate to others.
Recently, I opened Peter Diamandis email with top predictions of what our reality is going to be in 2045. It immediately challenged me to revise my reality.
We will be able to upload ‘our mind/consciousness?’
Such a possibility alone starts to change everything you thought to be true about being a human being…
It shakes up ‘your reality’.
And fear arises.
Can you revise your perception of reality without encountering suffering?
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