One single decision.
There was one business decision I made that literally changed everything.
I was travelling in Japan for the first time.
I hated the high prices there and I asked myself: How can I stop trading time for money?
At the time, I was based in Bali, Indonesia and was teaching English online.
I couldn’t really call it a business - rather a modest source of income.
But since I had done it for a while, I had a small following in my niche market.
I remember sitting at my notebook, staring at the question: How can I stop trading time for money?
(And be able to afford all the adventures that Japan has to offer).
And then, without much thinking, I wrote:
1. A membership site.
2. Multiple teachers.
3. Community.
I decided to get this done by the time I had left Osaka to head back for Bali (I had about a week).
1. I threw a quick landing page together.
2. Set up a payment system.
3. And emailed my small database.
What’s your intention for today?
Our every action, every word, every decision have an intention behind them. It is either conscious or subconscious.
If you are not aware of your intentions and don’t set them consciously, the subconscious takes over and rules your day, your year, your life.
From a rooftop in Singapore, I share how you can work out what your intentions are.
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I’ve been losing my voice and so had to take a forced break from filming new episodes. But let’s get going again. What’s the difference between living from the heart and living from the mind? A big one.
In the first half of the video: I share how making choices from the heart helped me move to Bali, set up a number of businesses and live a more meaningful life.
In the second half of the video: I teach a powerful technique to help you silence your mind, connect to your heart and see your life’s challenges and successes from that place.
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