Clarity and knowing often don’t come from books or other people.
At the very best, they reflect what you already know or have inside of you.
Whenever others are coaching, advising and guiding you, they are doing so through their own particular prism of understanding and conviction. Through their guidance - however well-intended - they will always seek to confirm their identity (mostly, that’s a subconscious process). And there’s nothing wrong in that. It’s natural. The influences that we have on each other are what make us grow and create all sorts of positive triggers in our personal evolution.
Yet it’s important to stay aware of the limitations of the advice of others. Realising that, I began using writing as a tool in my work with people.
Over time, I understood that we already have all the knowledge in us to make every important decision in our lives - we just need to clear the way for it.
This is where writing comes in handy.
This is why I write everything out.
I believe that writing is an important part of my becoming truly myself and it can be so for most people (even those who have never written).
I often find that, through writing everything out (I share one of my techniques in my first TV episode here), I sift out the noise, the clutter, the judgments, the ideas, the impositions of the world around me, and get a step closer to what I really feel and am.
When I write in this way, writing becomes the path towards integrity and authenticity.
And this is why writing is an inseparable part of my Hero’s Journey Circle, where I will be working with 10 people to help them on their quest to understand their life’s story, heal their past and define their life’s mission.
50% Complete
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