Much like everybody else, I am cautiously observing the geopolitical situation in the world and cannot ignore the shadows of the 1930s. It is getting dark - you’d have to be living in a cave not to see it.
Here is the danger, however. The media won’t just allow darkness to exist as it is, they will push it to levels of paranoia or fear (well, both walk arm-in-arm). It is convenient because they are both paralysing.
I often feel the temptation to give in when I open the papers and hear the news. But, once you are in the darkness and fear, it is much harder to act against it - if not impossible.
So, here I remind myself of Osho’s words that darkness is merely the absence of light.
Be the light - whatever it means to you in your environment.
Define what light means to you - it doesn’t have to be spiritual, it can be a metaphor that helps you define your actions.
For me, it means stepping up and continuing my hero’s journey to counteract the fear.
What does it mean for you to be the light in your world?
And here is my new project to help you discover how to radiate your light in these darker times.
50% Complete
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